Great love

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who is big?



Every one say, I am big no one say less in this planet.

Are you have qualities ?

Are you men of commitment ?

Are you love to your work?

Are you honest in your business?

Are you believe in hard work ?

We have to ask own self above questions and get the reply.

Have you done any great task as a noble men ?

Have you share your thoughts with your friends ?

Whom do you love more ?

We have to love own self and others.

We have to do something differ.

We have to choose modern technique.

We have to make a path of truth so that others follow you.

You have to ensure others with self confidence.

Who is great ?

Are you have any leadership qualities ?

Why are you say big ?

You don't say your self big, let people say you are big.

You have to do some thing unique.

The great leader is who listen the voice genuine.

Once people says you are great then you are big and great.

But great man never say himself great, it reflects the greatness of man.

Every one want to become great, its excellent drive, do some thing and show the positive results.

Dream big, implement big
Implement big, play big
Play big, earn big
Earn big, image big
Image big,love big
Love big, abundance big

Are you sure , you start your journey to become big

Are you have positive attitude ?

Are you have love voice to talk others with soft corner ?

Are you productive ?

Are you have knowledge ?

Have you use your innovative mind tricks ?

Are you love to your team ?

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